The Company recognizes the importance of requirements regarding the composition of the Board of Directors (Board Diversity). In determining the Board diversity, the Company is confident that the requirements on the Board Diversity are important factors that help create balance in terms of ideas, quality of work as well as the Board’s efficiency in making decision, which is beneficial to the Company's business. This is for the following objectives,
The Board of Directors promotes the diversity of the composition of the Board of Directors and the appropriate gender mix. However, the selection of directors still emphasizes on the experiences of each director.
Therefore, the Company determines the composition of the Board of Directors which consists of individuals with knowledge, ability, experience, knowledge and expertise in accordance with the Company's business strategy, including morality and ethics, having a positive attitude towards the organization, leadership skill, and broad vision, and devoting sufficient time to work without any limitation of gender, race, religion, professional skills, specific expertise and other differences. In addition, the Company establishes skill qualifications that are necessary and appropriate for the nature of business. Board Skill Matrix is defined in 14 areas as follows:
To ensure that the company of the Board of Directors includes the committee with knowledge, competence, and professional skills in accordance with the specified criteria and to apply it as criteria for skill and knowledge development of directors which is beneficial for establishing strategies, policies, and directions of the Company’s business operations, the Company has set a professional goal of the entire Board of Directors’ structure to be at least 80% for annual evaluation.